About Us


Nestled amongst the Hills of the Dandenong Ranges is where you will find me, Danielle. Marveling in Mother Nature and all she has to offer. To me, focusing on health, wellness and spirituality is the gateway to creating alignment in the mind, body and soul. I wanted to wake up each day feeling my best, feeling both grateful and fulfilled, connected to my higher self and to my surroundings. I found this all starts from the inside, with intentional thought, patience and self-care. Finding my calm, cleansing my sacred spaces, welcoming positive energies, practicing gratitude all to me aid in finding that inner peace and calm that we are all searching for.


I dreamt of creating a space for a community of likeminded people to come and find unique pieces that will help them to create their own inner peace. Eleven:11 Store was designed as a simplified platform for you to find the things to help you calm, ground, cleanse, heal, grow, manifest, align and connect with your higher self. We honor nature in its natural form and we source and design ethical, unique, intuitively chosen pieces for you. We always endeavor to do the best by the environment in everything we do, without compromising on quality. We use your inspiration, our imagination and natures standouts to bring our products to you.


Whether you appreciate the sheer beauty of a crystal and want to add to your collection or have discovered spirituality and want mother nature's gifts to aid in your practices; we stock products for you that will benefit you and that carry ancient practices. Our aim is for our products to inspire you, help you to reconnect with yourself, help you find your calm, balance your energies, heal your spirit and invest in your well-being. To aid in the practice of gratitude, motivate you to have a positive outlook on life, feel inner peace, feel clear headed and an overall gift for your mind, body and soul.


Our community relationships and service are what drives us. If something is not right, we want to make sure you are 100% satisfied so we can make your connection with our products as powerful as possible. We take so much pride in our work so we will always do our best to provide you with the highest quality we have to offer.


We would love for you to be a part of our community and would be honored to help guide you on your journey in connecting with your higher self. 


- Danielle xx